The Awoglet How 6
The Story told by friend
The following story has been told by a friend, please keep in mind that this might be real.
"I used to be a big fan of the game The Awoglet How 6, but not after this experience.
One day I was walking around in my neighborhood after school, on my best day ever because I got an A++++ on my spelling test
but in the corner of my eye I saw a Garage Sale, after running over there I saw there is a box of games sitting on top of the desk
an Old Man was sitting at, I asked him how much for the games and he said it's free because his son doesn't want it anymore,
I took the box of games and the Old Man said "Have a good day, bye!", when I got back home I searched through the box and found the
popular game everyones talking about at my school named The Awoglet How 6, I walked to the Playstation and booted it up, the normal
Davemension startup played but for a split second it said Deadmension, I thought it was a glitch so I kept playing, I pressed start
when I got to the title and before I pressed start it said The Awoglet How 666 on the title instead of The Awoglet How, I was scared
and almost cried, I kept playing and got to the part where you pick the cups to put out the fire in the Jungle, I picked the cup
that didn't have letters on it but then the player glitched to the one that said Gas on it and everything set on fire, a text box
popped up that said "You will never escape welcome to Hell", I grabbed my sledge hammer and I started smashing the disc but it wouldn't
get destroyed, I tried everything even burning it and shredding it but it stayed intact the whole time, I got tired from it so I went
to sleep, I woke up at 3 AM and my phone was ringing, I picked up and said "Hello?" and I heard a Satanic voice saying "You will go to
Hell I am the awoglet from that game you can't Destroy", a portal opened on my floor and I started getting sucked in and now I am in
Jail in Hell, as I type my final words before being tortured I beg you to not find this copy of the game and play it because you will
go to Hell next... oh no I can hear the Devil now coming, I have to go, goodbye for ever... "
What do you think? Do you think that this game may be satanic?? The game every children loves.